Assistive Technology for All Students

Assistive learning is not a new concept but the portability of devices that support assistive technology is relatively new. In the past, the big and clunky pieces of assistive technology devices drew attention to students with special needs and put emphasis on how different they are. Today, iPads, laptops and Chromebooks can support assistive learning. […]

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AVA – Communicating Beyond Barriers

We read an article about a person who has gone deaf and the one feeling she distinctly remembers at first was isolation. Although she learned sign language and reading lips to communicate, there are still moments when she has this feeling of overwhelming desolation. It’s like there’s an invisible wall between her and the rest […]

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Challenging App Accessibility

Accessibility has long been a subject of discussion in the tech world. Apple is currently leading the industry by a long stretch. The truth is in this era where technology is the key advantage that spells out profit against your competitors, an application downtime can put your business to a full stop. When your interface […]

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HandSight: Reading Through The Fingertips

What is interesting about Text-to-speech is not only the excitement brought on by the developments on how speech is synthesized, but also, the way it is integrated with tools and applications that will help make people’s lives a whole lot easier. In an instance, there is a device being developed that can help the blind […]

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Text To Speech for Apple Watch!

We could hardly believe it when we heard that text-to-speech is now available on Apple Watch (given that Apple Watch imposed limitations on text-to-speech previously)! Who knew that a watch can now be enabled to read text out loud? Amazing! Apple Watch does come with a range of accessibility features to meet the needs of […]

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Human Voicebank Initiative: The Road To Humanizing Machine Voices

You can donate your voice for a good cause! This is something you might have heard of before, but definitely a piece we’d love to keep on sharing. Millions of people are affected by severe speech disability. Some common causes are stroke, and cerebral palsy. To aid and restore their ability to speak in some […]

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The Sorcery That Is VoCo: Photoshop For Voices

Believe it or not, photoshopping voices is a thing – although not now, but will be in the future. Don’t believe us? Here’s proof: So Adobe suddenly decides that altering images, videos, and their current creative suite are not enough. They have now introduced a way for us to alter the things we say. Adobe […]

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Overcoming Unreadable Web Designs – We Know, It Is That BAD!

Here’s a fact: There are pretty bad web designs out there that pose challenges in making content accessible, even for people who have perfect vision.  Kevin Marks, an Open Web Advocate and one of the founders of Microformats, said it perfectly, “I thought my eyesight was beginning to go. It turns out, I’m suffering from […]

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Random Messages

What is a random message? For a number of features in ResponsiveVoice you can set up a selection of different messages, and it will play one at random. Why is it useful? Repetition often disengages customers – listening to the same message a number of times (for instance for recurrent visits) diminishes the returns you […]

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Celebrating Assistive Technology and Accessibility!

Did you know? November is Assistive Technology Awareness Month (in some states)! Pennsylvania, USA is celebrating Assistive Technology Awareness this month! Kudos Pennsylvania and kudos to everyone who celebrates assistive technology– regardless when it happens in a given year. We at ResponsiveVoice are very fortunate to be part of promoting this technology. Assistive devices are […]

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